Thursday, December 3, 2009

I hold myself in contempt! Why should you be any different?

I am writing for the sole purpose of venting. I have had it. I'm done. I am mentally exhausted. Ryan still hasn't removed me from the loan. He lacks credit and his debt ratio is too high to do a "qualified assumption" or refinance, no one will co-sign on the loan with him (can you blame them) the only other option is to sell. The house doesn't have enough equity and would end up being a short sale or just get foreclosed on.
This has been going on for over 2 years. As part of the decree he was given 1 year to refinance, because he hasn't I can have a contempt order issued. If he declares bankruptcy, which is a very real possibility, it will hurt my credit. It'll look like I have a judgement against me. I can provide all of my paperwork to the credit report agencies and hope that they will read it and note my score.
Ryan tried to do a loan modification, which would also negatively affect my credit and still keep me tied to the house. He did all that under the guise that it would remove me from the loan. After 2 hours on the phone with 7 different people I confirmed that I would still be attached.
To top it off, I listened to him scream at me and rant over how this is my fault. That I want him to live on the streets, etc. It's ridiculous. I feel helpless and useless. I'm screwed either way. I hate this. I hate being reminded that I was stupid enough to marry this person. I'm stuck and have extremely limited options and none of them are a clear choice.


Suzanne said...

My bf's ex-wife sounds much like your ex. Except, while trying to get the loan modification on her house she kept the money her renters were paying her. She didn't pay her mortgage, pretended she lived in the house, and told her kids about the deception. GOOOOOD parenting I'd say. I'm hoping in the end she loses the house as a consequence for her committing loan fraud. Thankfully for him, she removed my boyfriend's name when she refinanced. Although, we still get the notices of default sent to our house. We enjoy seeing how much she has to pay to keep her house. Hang in there Carrie. What goes around...comes around. All this will bite him in the ass, and if takes you with him on it, it will come back to get him later on in life.

Lo said...

So sorry you are having to go through all this. I hope that it all gets resolved soon. Hang in there.

LIONO said...

My wife is a potty-mouth.

Sorry about that ballsac of an ex you have Carrie. It will all work out.