Matt came over today and carved pumpkins with Owen and me, but really just me. Owen wanted nothing to do with pumpkins. Instead he built a chocho with the chairs from the table, rode his scotter played with a book and was just generally crazy. Mat carved his pumpkin and I carved O's, so I still have one left - we'll see when it gets done.
I went out side to take a picture of our handy work and O's pumpkin was already turning into slug food. I knocked them off - gross!
I baked a pie for my dad's birthday - which is Tuesday. He wanted Lemon Meringue, this was my first time making one. I think it turned out pretty good, but we'll see what the family says tomorrow. My grandma made one too, you know just in case mine didn't turn out. Such faith in my cooking abilities - nice, huh. I made dinner for all of them last week and they're still here, so i think it should be fine.
Hey prego, craving anything? We should be down the the over the 7th weekend - hopefully. Matt's on-call schedule changed to accommodate Thanksgiving and Christmas, so he's supposed to be working that weekend, but is trying to change it. Otherwise we might come next weekend.
I think the pie looks delicious. I am sure it was really good.
This prego is simply craving labor so I can get this kid outta here. The way I'm feeling, you may be visiting us in the hospital when you're here! Seriously, I think I might be close. Without going into gory detail, I feel "different".
Matt told me you had "dropped" some, it sounds like you may have dropped somemore and are begining the super fun hand on lower back side-step walk. I feel your discomfort. I hope he comes soon!
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