Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Halloween happened in a few parts for Owen. There was the beach about 2 weeks ago (bridgewalk day), great grandma's last week and real Halloween on Friday with Matt and me.

This is just about the cutest picture, ever! He's holding ambulance candy from the meeting room. He grabbed it when Dale went to get us the Camera, since mine died.

We all had to get on the fire truck. Dale is concerned that Owen is going to go down the "hireman pole." Just about anything can be a fireman pole.

These are from Halloween night. We were just getting ready to go to Matt's house here. This is a full on cheese face. As you can tell Owen is not having any fun.

Who needs candy when you can get house flyer's. Unfortunately there are a lot of houses for sale in Matt's neighborhood.

He's still dumbfounded that they are giving him candy for no reason at all. The only problem, he hasn't figured out that it was just one day. We've worn our "outfit" everyday since, at least 2 or 3 times, a day.

He was getting tired, so Joe the Plumber gave him a ride.

O came in, went potty and took 1/2 his clothes off in about 2 minutes flat.So that was the big night. He ended up with a good haul a whole pumpkin full. He could hardly carry it at the end. A good time was had by all. I just love seeing everything through his eyes.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pumpkin & Pie, but not Pumpkin Pie

Matt came over today and carved pumpkins with Owen and me, but really just me. Owen wanted nothing to do with pumpkins. Instead he built a chocho with the chairs from the table, rode his scotter played with a book and was just generally crazy. Mat carved his pumpkin and I carved O's, so I still have one left - we'll see when it gets done.

I went out side to take a picture of our handy work and O's pumpkin was already turning into slug food. I knocked them off - gross!

I baked a pie for my dad's birthday - which is Tuesday. He wanted Lemon Meringue, this was my first time making one. I think it turned out pretty good, but we'll see what the family says tomorrow. My grandma made one too, you know just in case mine didn't turn out. Such faith in my cooking abilities - nice, huh. I made dinner for all of them last week and they're still here, so i think it should be fine.

Hey prego, craving anything? We should be down the the over the 7th weekend - hopefully. Matt's on-call schedule changed to accommodate Thanksgiving and Christmas, so he's supposed to be working that weekend, but is trying to change it. Otherwise we might come next weekend.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Another fun weekend at the beach!

We had fun going to Kelli's baby shower, but we had to do some other fun stuff too. We went to the beach and built "sandcastles" courtsey of Lori and Steve's buckets. And what do you do after you build a sandcastle... you JUMP over it!

See even Matt had to jump...
and then you stomp on it!
Squishing crabs is so much fun, too... Owen really liked the noise and the feeling of this. He didn't really want to stop, it got kinda yucky.

We did the bridgewalk with Kathy, Lori and Matt. I'm holding on tight to O, it's more for me than him - I didn't like being up so high! This is a good place to mention that uniforms are necessary for next year.
This is where we walked. It was a 10k or 6.something miles.
Owen really had a good time, this is a cheese face - I swear.
We had a ton of fun! Items of note that aren't pictured - Homecoming football game, Kelli's baby shower and playing on Dale's Firetruck in our fireman halloween costume. I'm pretty sure Kelli has pictures of the game and Dale let me take pics on his camera of the Halloween costume. I'm hoping we'll make it back at least once more before the baby's arrival...

Monday, October 13, 2008

Thursday, October 2, 2008

basking in the lovely yellow glow

Dare I say success, I dare I dare - SUCCESS! As you all know this hasn't been an easy ride. We were almost there, then completely regressed, complete with screaming fits. But about 2 weeks ago he decided he would go pee in the potty again, and then last week he went poo. Yes, I literally cried from excitement. My Owen is officially a big boy. He's been peeing and pooping in the toilet now for a full week. We haven't had one accident and have also been making it through the night. I'm beaming with pure joy over all of it.

Not to toot my own horn, because lets be serious he decided to do it, but I really feel like my determination helped the situation along. I used a dream of a big boy room to help him along, charting his progress with every little tinkle. Thankfully my child is as anal as I am. He really enjoyed making x’s all over his chart. We every scratch of the pen he would say “mommy, you so proud of me now?” And damn it all if I wouldn’t get teary again. I hadn’t cried for 6 months but poop and pee did it. And if that wasn’t enough, upon seeing me cry O looked up at me perplexed – “mommy, why you so sad?” Try and explain that one.