Tuesday, April 21, 2009

10 days and counting

Loyalty day is coming up, it's right around the corner. We're all getting excited especially at the prospect of nice weather that weekend. Owen is looking forward to the firetruck ride(s) and has requested a yellow helmet like Dale. I'm hoping that the Dollar Store still has them. I mean really we can't have him wear his black one or one of the 10 red ones.... no. no. We NEED yellow, just like DAY- yell!

I'm hoping to have new batteries for the camera by then. I didn't have many pictures from the Easter Beach Fun, because they crapped out. If anyone wants video from the weekend let me know. Thanks Kelli for sharing your pics!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Superhero Montage

Owen has many disguises at our house, Spiderman, Superman and Batman are our current favorites. We also have our Handyman gear and our Fireman outfit... But as the title suggests this is a superhero montage.

Spiderman is showing everyone his friends - It's a WA ST Trooper Car. I really like the face he looks soooooo serious.

Everyone goes potty - EVEN Superman!
Even Batman needs a rest.
Fireman Superman starts the fires with his laser vision then puts them out.
Spiderman is webbing everything, even though he looks like he's just flexing.